Everything was taken care of, down to the last detail
Jean-Pierre & Gerda
Ecuador, the Galápagos Islands and Colombia. After wrestling through a lot of travel guides we ended up at 'Sapa Pana Travel' again. They made a great trip for us.
The first 10 days in Ecuador we enjoyed the culture and nature. We continued our trip with 10 days on the Galápagos Islands. What an experience to see all these animals in the wild. Definitely a must! The last 10 days we spent in Colombia. Again with lots of culture and nature. We had a wonderful trip. Everything was taken care of from the first to the last minute. Compliments to Sapa Pana Travel.
Kind regards,
Jean-Pierre & Gerda

Make a trip yourself?
Would you like to make a trip through Ecuador, Galapagos, Colombia or any other country in Latin America. Are you curious about the possibilities? Then take a look at the travel itineraries that we have put together for inspiration. You can book these trips directly, but we are also happy to create a personal programme based on your wishes and ideas.
Do you have a question? Feel free to contact us. Call +31 73 610 62 04 or send an e-mail to info@sapapanatravel.nl. We are happy to help.