Best time to travel to Suriname
The best travel time for Suriname depends on the area you want to visit. Suriname is close to the equator, which makes it tropically warm all year round.
In short:
- The dry season is from February to April and from mid-August to November.
- The rain period is from December to January and from May to mid-August.
- The climate in Suriname is characterised by many hours of sunshine and rainfall.
- Rain often falls in strong, short, cooling showers and usually in the afternoon or night.

More about the best travel time Suriname
The dry and rainy season
In Suriname people talk about the big dry season, the big rainy season, the small dry season and the small rainy season:
- The big dry season is from mid-August to November.
- The small dry season is from February to April.
- The big rainy season runs from May to mid-August
- The small rainy season is from December to January.
Best travel time for the rainforest
If you want to spot animals in the rainforest, we advise you to travel during the dry season. The reason for this is that the water level will be lower and the animals will show themselves earlier.
If you want to visit one of the lodges more upstream on the Upper Suriname River, then - especially at the end of the dry season - you will often be travelling considerably longer than in any other period. This is because the water is lower. At the rapids you will have to get out of the boat and the boat will be towed over the rapids by manpower. In consultation with your personal wishes, we will be happy to determine the best period for you to travel.
Sea turtles on land
The sea turtles lay their eggs from mid-January to the beginning of August. Very special turtle species such as the huge leatherback turtle, the green turtle, and if you are lucky the warana and hawksbill turtle, come ashore during this period to lay their eggs, among others on the beach near the nature reserve Matapica and near Galibi, about two hours sailing from Albina, in the east of Suriname.
The best time to travel in Suriname when travelling with children
The summer holidays are the best travel period for Suriname when travelling with children. If desired, the autumn and Christmas holidays are also very suitable. Keep in mind that the Christmas holidays will be busier and that flights will be full sooner (in cheaper fare classes).
Visit Suriname
Would you like to make a trip through Suriname yourself and are you curious about the possibilities? Then take a look at the travel itineraries that we have put together for inspiration. You can book these trips directly, but we are also happy to create a personal programme based on your wishes and ideas.
Do you have a question? Feel free to contact us. Call +31 73 610 62 04 or send an e-mail to We are happy to help.